
We at Wolfpack Construction believe that the foundation for your home is the building block to your success. If you don’t lay a solid foundation, nothing else you do will succeed. To meet these requirements, we partner with Firth and use RibRaft® and RibRaft® X-Pod® technology as well as Fletcher Reinforcing.

As a building company in Waikato, we offer our foundation services that will provide the strongest, most reliable base to build your structure upon. If you are looking for a professional foundation-laying construction company to undertake projects in the construction of new residences, private housing, sub-divisions or commercial projects, you can rely on our experts to provide a high-quality foundation laying service while ensuring timeliness and quality.

Part of the key to our success in laying a foundation is our attention to detail and meticulous, step-by-step approach.

Step 1: Preparations
We will consult with you so that our qualified team of experts has the opportunity to evaluate the area and prepare a fully designed and engineered foundation for your project.

Step 2: Agreement
Upon quote approval, we agree on all relevant requirements, such as timelines, start dates, and coordinating with all subcontractors and engineers.

Step 3: Earthworks
Our excavation experts will begin scraping to prepare for your foundations and complete and pass the sand pad. They can also perform other landscaping needs, as required.

Step 4: Form Work
After the sand pad has been completed and passed, the formwork around the required area can begin.

Step 5: Component Installation
All raft components are installed with steel reinforcements. We work with the council, sub-contractors and engineers as required.

Step 6: Concrete
On the final day, the space is filled with concrete.

Step 7: Finishing
Lastly, the formwork is removed once the concrete has set.

Contact Us

Interested in our services? We’d love to hear from you. To get in touch, fill out our form, and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, contact us using one of the below: Call us 0800 WOLFPK – 0800 965 375 Email [email protected] Address Waikato, New Zealand